This will be a weekly feature of the Elijah's Running Club blog. I'll try to find some of the best advice on the web regarding training tips, injury prevention and treatment, and diet advice. If a person wants to get back in shape, they are going to have to make some changes to their lifestyle, since it was something about their lifestyle that allowed them to get
out of shape. And the most effective way to get back into shape is to change exercise habits (actually do exercise), change eating habits, and then ensure you can continue to exercise by avoiding injuries.
Training TipsJeff Galloway, former Olympic marathoner, has some
great advice for those who are just starting to run. You don't have to run every day.
Those who run three days a week have the lowest rate of injury. Each additional running day increases the chance of injury--particularly for those over the age of 50. Research on runners has also shown that when you run every 48 hours, the damage from running is repaired and the muscle cells and tendons tend to rebuild stronger than before.
If you're not experiencing extra fatigue, aches, pains or injuries from running more often, it's OK to run more days per week at any age. There are so many reasons to run that I had to severely edit the "Why Run" chapter in my GETTING STARTED book more than any other. Most runners run because it makes them feel better about themselves, about life in general--and want to get out there every day they can. Unfortunately, too many running days per week is one of the key reasons for injury. Even when runners maintain the same weekly mileage, but add more rest days, they experience fewer tired and injury days.
His article on has a great table for how many miles you should run for whatever age you are.
Injury Prevention & has a
great article on using a foam roller to give yourself a kind of deep tissue massage.
Using a foam roller can provide similar benefits as deep-tissue massage. By increasing flexibility and decreasing muscle tension, it can help prevent injury and improve performance. Make the following foam-roller exercises part of your regular running routine--run, roll, then stretch. Place your body on the roller and slowly roll up and down (for about 10-15 seconds) along the muscle group you are targeting. If you find a particularly tight area, pause on that spot. Putting pressure on a tight area can help release the tissue.
here to read how to use the foam roller on the various body parts. Amazon has foam rollers
NutritionFor those who think of chocolate as one of the main food groups,
here's something that will help you justify your guilty pleasure.
In January, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) published the most convincing study yet linking flavanol-rich cocoa to improved blood-vessel health. A month later, the Archives of Internal Medicine reported that Dutch men who ate the most chocolate had a 47 percent lower mortality rate over 15 years than a similar group that consumed little chocolate.
Read the rest of the article for all the good news.
Have a great week! See you Saturday.